
What to Expect?

When you call Cover Your Assets Home Inspections, LLC, you can expect:

You will get my service... You get a qualified and professional home inspector that cares about you and the product I provide.

I will probably arrive early at the site. If I am not 10 minutes early, I consider myself late. However, I also understand that there are things I cannot control. If circumstances arise that force me to arrive late, I will call. If at any time before our inspection, I suspect a difficulty in starting the inspection on time, I will call.

I will spend as much time as needed to do the job. I encourage you to not only join me on the inspection but to ask questions as well. You are considering buying the house I am inspecting, I completely understand you wanting to know everything you can about it.

I make every effort to leave the property as I found it. It is respectful to treat all homes how I want mine treated. However, if I find an unsafe/dangerous situation, I will do what I can to ensure it cannot harm anyone.

Our Inspections

This is the complete property inspection to the National Association of Certified Home Inspectors (NACHI) Standards of Practice.

This inspection is recommended on the purchase of all houses, new or old, regardless of outward appearance and regardless of whether or not the inspection is included as a contract contingency.

"Contingent" vs. "AS IS" inspections, what's the difference?
A contingent inspection is the buyer’s best and safest course of action when purchasing a home. When the purchase is contingent on the home inspection, the cost of repair of major items found in the inspection can be negotiated, or the buyer has the option to walk away from the contract.

When there are competing contracts from multiple buyer candidates, a contingency for a home inspection may not be possible. Sometimes the property is offered “AS IS” by the seller because of the type of property it is. This is usually the case in Foreclosures and Short Sales. An inspection should not be skipped in any case. An "AS IS" inspection can help the buyer know what his or her immediate priorities are before or after moving in.

There is no difference in my report on whether there is an inspection contingency in the real estate contract or not. The difference between "AS IS" inspections and "Contingent Inspections" resides in how the inspection results are treated between buyer and seller.

See our PRICING for more details.

A pre-listing inspection for the home seller is similar in scope and make-up to the Pre-Purchase Inspection for the buyer. It is a complete property inspection to the National Association of Certified Home Inspectors (NACHI) Standards of Practice.

Pre-Listing inspections are a smart thing for the home seller to do.

  • No Surprises. Rather than wait for the buyer’s home inspector to uncover something that you are unaware of, learn about any inspection items upfront. This gives you a chance to make some repairs, cost out alternatives, and develop the best strategy to sell the house.
  • Set Priorities. At the end of the inspection, we discuss the findings and help think through the things that are most important to selling the property.
  • A Professional Report. The Cover Your Assets Home Inspections report can be used as a selling tool to give the buyers confidence that the house has been thoroughly inspected. The report features photos and explanations and can be forwarded to approved parties to the sale. In some cases, the report will be used by the buyers as the official inspection for sale.

See our PRICING for more details.

There may be situations where you want to have a single feature or component of a property inspected by an unbiased professional, someone who is not trying to sell you something. A single item inspection may confirm the need to call in a professional to repair or upgrade, or it may expose other needed actions to correct the situation.

  • Roof/Attic Inspection
  • Foundation Inspection
  • Electrical System Inspection
  • Plumbing Inspection
  • Basement or Crawlspace Inspection
  • Heating/Ventilation and Air Conditioning Inspection

Single item inspections are generally provided under a minimum site visit charge and are covered under the applicable section of the NACHI Standards of Practice. Additional fees for travel or unusual circumstances may apply.

See our PRICING for more details.

The value of involving an independent third party to inspect your new construction project cannot be overstated!

Mistakes happen all the time in new home construction...and the trend is getting worse, not better. Key causes:

  • Misinformed or lazy sub-contractors
  • Contractors with overlapping responsibilities
  • Supervisors with too many details to oversee
  • On-site modifications for a variety of reasons
  • Mistakes or omissions in plans

Don't take it for granted that the builder (any builder) is complying with acceptable building practices, using quality craftsmanship, or keeping your safety in mind. Engage a third party to look out for your interests at specific stages of the construction process.

Cover Your Assets Home Inspections, LLC offers Two Key Inspections for New Home Construction:

Pre-drywall inspection - This inspection gives you a final review of the framing and roughed-in systems of the house before the drywall is put up. This is particularly important because issues can be more easily seen and addressed at this time. This inspection covers all major structural components and mechanical systems installed.

Final walkthrough inspection - This inspection is performed just before the final walkthrough with the builder. The house is essentially completed; however, issues arising during the final walkthrough can be addressed by the builder prior to closing. This inspection also gives the new buyers important information on the systems, operation, and maintenance of their new home.

Most builders welcome home inspector involvement in the project because they help find mistakes, help boost the buyer's confidence in the quality of their workmanship, and help educate the buyer about the home building process. Cover Your Assets Home Inspections offers a $100.00 discount when both inspections are ordered on a new home.

See our PRICING for more details.

Your newly constructed home came with a warranty, usually for one year but occasionally for less than a year. If you have lived in your newly constructed home and your warranty period is about to expire, it is a good idea to have a thorough inspection prior to visiting with the builder. This is your last and best chance to get things fixed at the builder’s expense.

Cover Your Assets Home Inspections, LLC offers a new home warranty inspection that takes place one month before the warranty expiration date. We inspect photograph, list, and document all visible defects and warranty-related concerns that you may want to bring to the builder’s attention and have fixed while the new home warranty period is in effect.

See our PRICING for more details.

A magnifying glass sitting on top of some papers.

Our Reports

The inspection report will be color coded and picture filled, which will make it easy to read and understand. I also put video links into the reports when needed to better explain a system or an issue in the home. Click to see a sample report.

Competitive Pricing

Standard Home Inspections: Pre-Purchase, Pre-Listing, New Construction and Warranty

Condos - Under 1,000 sq/ft $325
Condo - 1,000 sq/ft - 1,250 sq/ft $350
Condo - 1,250 sq/ft - 1,500 sq/ft $375
Condo - over 1,500 sq/ft / Condo T/H Hybrid $400
Single Family & Town Homes Up to $300k $425
$301k to $400k $450
$401k to $500k $475
$501k to $600k $500
$601k to $700k $525
$701k to $800k $575
$801k to $900k * $600
$901k to $1 Million * $650
$1 Million to $1.5 Million * $700
$1.5 Million to $2 Million * $750
$2.0 Million to $2.5 Million * $800
$2.5 Million+ * Ask for Quote

*Note: Add $100 for each 1,000 sq/ft over 5,000 sq/ft

Additional Services

Pre Offer Inspection - 1.0 Hour $325
Single Item Inspection (IE: Deck or Foundation) $225
Radon Testing (With Inspection) $175
Radon Testing (Without Inspection) $185

Discounts with Bundled New Construction Pricing

There are three standard new construction inspections: Pre-Drywall Inspection, Final Inspection (pre-settlement) and a 1-year Warranty Inspection.

  • If Cover Your Assets Inspections performs any two of these inspections, you will receive a $50 discount on the second inspection.
  • If Cover Your Assets Inspections performs all three of these inspections, you will receive a $50 discount on the second inspection and an additional $50 discount on the third inspection. Example - $500 / $450 / $400

Prices may vary due to extraordinary on-site conditions.

Please Note: Cover Your Assets Home Inspections does not offer long ladder inspections. This is particularly important for inspections of row houses without internal access to the roof. I have a 42 foot telescoping pole camera for a visual inspection of these taller homes. Clients are encouraged to contact a local roofing company equipped to conduct a long ladder roofing inspection if they want the roof to be accessed.

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